Giant Retinal Tear Surgery Using a Freeman/Schepens Inversion Table (mid 80’s)
Surgery for GiantRetinal Tear Using the Freeman/Schepens Inversion Table (mid 80’s)
Patient inversion at giant tear surgery. Verification that the giant tear is fully mobilized after vitrectomy (and possible buckle placement) and is now hanging down from disc just prior to air fluid exchange. The air will be introduced from the syringe into a strategically placed pars plana infusion cannula and pass across the area of the retina still attached to the periphery and reach the preretinal space at the disc. Continued infusion of air while draining fluid at the limbus allows the giant tear to unfold as all fluid is removed from the eye. The patient is returned to the supine position for laser and gas or oil tamponade; if cryo has been used, it was preplaced and only tamponade placement is needed to complete the procedure.